Thursday, September 16, 2010

El Bicenenario...

The plaza in Todos Santos was full of people celebrating the 200th time of El Grito de la Independencia.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Viva México!!!

Padre Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla on the night of September 15th declared war against the government in what was known as the Grito de Dolores. Mexico celebrates the Bicentennial since the declaration of Independence in 1810. Tonight in our little town there will be a celebration of "El Grito" in the town's plaza. Viva México!

The sky is the limit...

This morning the sky seems to have an army of tiny clouds all lined up ready to move in some direction. Where will they go...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Respect and Trust...

A good friend took me horseback riding this morning. For me a total "horse rookie" there was a real lesson on respect and trust to be learned. "Galleta (Cookie)" was my assigned horse, and after grooming and saddling her we took off for a ride on the beach. At the very beginning she tested me and nearly walked me into a small shack full of hay. But after some correction remarks from my teacher friend I started to gain control. There is a need to establish respect for such a sizeable animal and a need for trust. One for the rider who must establish the lead and needs to trust him/herself in this position. And for both, the animal and the rider to start forming an intuitive bond of trust in each other. It was a wonderful learning experience.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

El Torote...

Scientific Name: Bursera microphylla
English Name: elephant tree
Spanish Name: torote blanco, copal, palo colorado, torote rojo, torote colorado, cuajiote blanco, torote

A few weeks ago clearing out an area of brush around our house we came upon a small "Torote tree", I couldn't believe it. I always loved them, but they are an endangered species and should not be pulled out of their desert home, in other words it's not something you find at the local nursery. They are a classic desert tree with a flaking bark and open arms full of green leaves when they bloom. But because of the lack of water they remain dormant, grey but sturdy. I was so delighted to find it, we cleared around it and started to give it water. Fifteen days later it surprised me with a tiny leaf out of each of it's tiny branches. It is in full bloom today. Once again nature is king.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


As Leonard Cohen sings in one of his songs "...since the day someone hurt New York", 9.11.2001 was a day that changed many people's lives. It was a very painful day. Today has been an out of sorts day waiting several hours for a caterpillar to help us move some very big rocks. Can't help but think the many pieces of concrete that had to be moved in the World Trade Center nine years ago.

Friday, September 10, 2010


We stand strong over the earth and try to feel rooted. And although our roots are real they are invisible to our eye, not like the ones of this beautiful fig tree. They visibly run deep into the ground and up above. They even grew over a rock. The tree extends itself many feet up above us and it is starting to bear fruit this time of the year. Small green figs are attached to its hundreds of branches.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Object of beauty...

Right at the base of part of the Sierra de la Laguna mountain range lies a small house with an outstanding potter named "Marcos". He and his sister Margarita collect red clay dirt from the base of the mountain, they work it, clean it, run it through a sieve to get the stones out, and add water to make it into the perfect consistency of clay. Then he hand builds all his functional pieces with extreme proficiency and love. The forms are rounded, minimal and clean. Simple and elegant. His pieces have integrity and purity. Less is more. Each piece is an object of beauty.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Art of Racing in the Rain...

This is a novel written by Garth Stein. I read it in one day. It filled my heart with joy, my eyes with tears, and my heart with compassion. It is a beautiful book for us all, not just dog lovers, not just "gear heads", it is about life and death. Good read.
Thanks Doug. (this photograph was taken by Dennis Bradbury, a good friend, a professional photographer and the owner of the 22 Haviland Street Gallery in Norwalk, CT).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Que onda buey?

Que onda buey? is a very common phrase used by the young people in Mexico. It basically means "What's up, dude?" but the direct translation really means "What's up bull?". However it has become a colloquialism used everywhere. Today as I drove into town and encountered a herd of bulls in the huerta, I had an opportunity to use this colloquialism directly with the source. Still waiting for an answer, however...

Monday, September 6, 2010

The core...

Often in yoga we concentrate on our core strength, and the feeling of being centered. There are also so many things that are built around a center point. From the laws of rotation of the Earth around its axis to the simple core of an apple, or the center point of our belly button. But amongst one of the most interesting architectures is that of a sunflower. Have you ever studied the beautiful organization of each seed pod in its center. The way they fit into each other, the pattern they form and the strength they bring to the soft yellow petals that hang from its edge.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rain in the desert...

We woke up to a lovely soft rain at 5am this morning... I find it fascinating to live in the desert and realize how nature adjusts to it's lack of water. It's all about conservation. The cardones, choyas, torotes and all the other native plants turn brown, almost lifeless. However in the summer, when we get our few days of rain everything changes, the desert turns green, beautifully green. Each of those plants then, holds it water for many months in order to survive. There is no waste.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The air is thick...

You wake up in the morning, you open the door and go outside. The air is thick, so thick that you feel a certain shortness of breath. Nothing moves, there is no breeze, everything is still. It almost feels like there is a layer between you and the rest of the world. You try to focus but it is like looking through a foggy lens.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sometimes we walk together and sometimes we walk apart...

August came and went, and somehow I was unable to get too close to the computer. This month brought forth a wedding anniversary of 37 years. I was thinking how many trails, paths and highways we have driven, how many creeks, lakes and oceans we have paddled and how many walks we have taken together. Como dice Simone de Beauvoir en su libro "La Mujer Rota", solíamos mirar lejos y actuar sobre lo mirado. Hoy vivímos al día, y muchas veces caminamos solos, o a diferente paso. It's Ok to walk together and sometimes to walk apart.