I bought the book that Rizzoli published about Louise Bourgeois and I am finding so much to learn... To start she says "Art is a privilege, a blessing, a relief...the privilege of having access to the unconscious."
Saturday night was the fantastic opening for La Galería Encantada in La Paz, BCS Mexico. The owner is sculptor Lila Magallón, who perviously owned Gato Negro Gallery in La Paz. The new gallery will not only have incredible artwork but a beautiful patio restaurant serving imported wines, cheeses and prosciuttos di parma. My artwork shines on their walls. Auguri!!
I grew up in Mexico City, in a Cuban-Mexican household. There I learned about family legacies, color, music, chile, ajo and the drama of life. My college years were spent in California studying graphic design. Married with one child, my husband, George and I spent the next 27 years in the East coast between NY and CT working as designers.
After the millennium we looked for a change of life, we started to create our own art. In 2007 moved to Todos Santos, BCS. Shortly after we re-invented ourselves learning how to make bread and bought Peace and Loaf, an artisanal bakery. We dedicated ourselves to baking bread for two years after which we realized left no time for the development of our art. So we made another turn and in this chapter we live our life with art as our focus.Twelve years enjoying the crashing of the waves, living and painting we find ourselves a little older and making our way back to the US. Santa Fe is the destination.