Acaso eres aquel que va marcando el piso por el que caminas... dejando una marca en el vaso en el que bebes.. tocando el corazón de aquel a quien tu amas... quien eres?..
Se encuentran imágenes de la Vírgen de Guadalupe en muchos materiales, incluyendo piedra o concreto. Recientemente encontré ésta sobre un muro fuera de una casa...
What can you find in a Mexican market... everything... however it struck my curiosity to find these two items next to each other "a color wheel of bras and aprons". Is this a statement of what we think a Mexican woman represents?
The highlight of the month of March in Todos Santos was the Open Studio Tour of 27 artists using a variety of mediums. Each artist had a visit of 75 to 100 art lovers.
I grew up in Mexico City, in a Cuban-Mexican household. There I learned about family legacies, color, music, chile, ajo and the drama of life. My college years were spent in California studying graphic design. Married with one child, my husband, George and I spent the next 27 years in the East coast between NY and CT working as designers.
After the millennium we looked for a change of life, we started to create our own art. In 2007 moved to Todos Santos, BCS. Shortly after we re-invented ourselves learning how to make bread and bought Peace and Loaf, an artisanal bakery. We dedicated ourselves to baking bread for two years after which we realized left no time for the development of our art. So we made another turn and in this chapter we live our life with art as our focus.Twelve years enjoying the crashing of the waves, living and painting we find ourselves a little older and making our way back to the US. Santa Fe is the destination.